this exercise has  no equal for developing power,speed, flexibility, and coordinated, total-body strength and muscle.

People generally talk nothing but good about this and clean and jerk  exercises, and in topics such as “if you could only do 3 exercises” are often mentioned. However, I never see anyone include them in their routines? why is that? and what do those exercises even train?

and how would I go about learning to preform them, instructional videos on this are abit harder to find than deadlifts/squats

No one includes them because:

1. Its hard to do/learn when you’re training by yourself.
you can easily be doing it wrong unless you take video’s of your self look in the mirror etc and self teach yourself.

2. It trains power your Central Nervous system can produce

3. Look at video’s on youtube, download torrents and take video’s of yourself and hopefully people will critique your form.

You need to be clear about why you are doing them… if your goal is to improve those lifts specifically then fine – but if you’re looking for improvements in general athletic ability or size then you don’t need to do the full oly lifts as there is a major technical component to them which will take a lot of your time to learn.

This being the case, I would just do power cleans and push presses separately. Power snatch is quite cool too but a bit redundant if your are doing powerclean.

Power Snatches can be done in their place, if need be. So that’s two out of three, though they are the “power” versions, admittedly.

Start with light weights (as with most things) and they’re really not that hard to do. Keep practising, and technique will improve.
That said, on the other hand, hardly anyoneneeds to do any of them, “power” versions or otherwise. You can do other lifts explosively, and in some cases it’s a good idea, actually. And you can certainly gain all over strength/size/definition/speed/flexibility, without any Oly-style lifts whatsoever. Not a problem.

I think they should be considered just like other exercises – in the context of your situation, physical condition, goals, and so on.

in detail if u have to go then u need to know about snatch complex.

what is a clean and snatch complex? Essentially, it’s the breakdown of these Olympic lifting movements into individual lifts. It is broken down in order to properly build each section of the complete lift. Each person’s complex may look a little different. My personal complex is very broken down. Others may be more efficient or further along in their learning and therefore may have fewer pieces broken down.

If you are curious about my complex, here it is as an example:
Snatch grip deadlift
Thigh high hang pull
Hang power snatch
Time-under-tension overhead squat

okay, now that you know what a complex looks like and you may have even realized you’ve done them before, let’s go over some of the neurological benefits of these Olympic lifts and why we do them in complexes. We’re going to look at motor unit recruitment, proprioception, and the central nervous system and how using complexes trains each of these to make us better lifters.

There are neurological benefits to Olympic lifting, but they have to be learned over time. Complexes can help new athletes build kinesthetic sense, and as they get stronger, they can bring in more motor neurons and advance their coordination. In saying this, we all have to start somewhere, which is where specificity loading comes into play. So start with complexes, and then move on to your full Olympic lifting movements.