by heliosgym | Dec 13, 2017 | Blog
THE TRUTH ABOUT BODYBUILDING GENETICS: World-record deadlifter Andy Bolton squatted 500 and deadlifted 600 the very first time he tried the lifts. Former Mr. Olympia Dorian Yates bench-pressed 315 pounds on his first attempt as a teen. Metroflex Gym owner Brian...
by heliosgym | Nov 10, 2017 | Blog
There are many ways to loose weight healthy and unhealthy , first let’s see the unhealthy ways to lose weight, which needs to be avoided . You’ve probably heard of some of the more bizarre and dangerous methods such as painful tongue implants that keep you from eating...
by heliosgym | Oct 6, 2017 | Blog
Most people who are unable to lose body fat aren’t failing because they are unmotivated. They aren’t getting results because they have no plan. They treat exercise as something to do when it’s convenient. The only solution is to set up a training schedule with...
by heliosgym | Aug 31, 2017 | Blog
Here are 10 tips to improve your workout routine from start to finish . Are you making the mistake of going through the motions when they hit the gym? Do you just train to train, never getting stronger, faster, or leaner? Try a new approach: Train to win! Use these...
by heliosgym | Jun 21, 2017 | Blog
There are many exercises that people don’t want to do (squats), don’t like to do (good mornings), or can’t do (snatches). There is also one type of exercise that just about everyone wants to do, likes to do, and can do: Biceps Curls. It’s the dessert of the...