Welcome to Helios Fitness Centre's Blog
Follow our fitness blog for individual success stories, expert fitness tips, health and nutrition advice, product announcements, motivation and more.Does working on an “Empty Stomach” burn more “Fat”?
For something that should be simple, working out doesn’t always feel that way. There’s choosing the best fat-burning workout. There’s that pesky question of whether exercise or diet is key for weight loss. And now there’s a new one to throw into the mix: whether...
8 surprising benefits of sledge training
One of the most popular forms of resistance training today, especially for those interested in fat loss and athletic performance, is sled training. Sleds can be pulled, a training method that has origins traced to the Scandinavian forest industry; and sleds can be...
Four reasons why you’re not getting enough results from your workouts (women)
Have you been working out regularly but aren’t seeing any changes in your body? Troubleshooting training can be hard to do on your own. That’s where this article comes in—it identifies some of the most common (but completely fixable) reasons that women have trouble...
Tips to optimise thyroid
The thyroid is a lesser known gland that has a big impact on how you feel and perform. A butterfly shaped gland located in the front of the neck, the thyroid releases hormones that regulate metabolic rate by affecting enzyme activity, body temperature, and energy...
Increase the effect of your workout with these 10 rules
Strength training is the most powerful exercise tool you have for changing your body. But you can’t just walk into a gym off the street, start throwing weights around, and transform your physique. Training requires fairly complex skill. If you’re like the vast...
Tips on Genetics and Body Building
THE TRUTH ABOUT BODYBUILDING GENETICS: World-record deadlifter Andy Bolton squatted 500 and deadlifted 600 the very first time he tried the lifts. Former Mr. Olympia Dorian Yates bench-pressed 315 pounds on his first attempt as a teen. Metroflex Gym owner Brian...
The dangerous ways to avoid and best ways to lose weight
There are many ways to loose weight healthy and unhealthy , first let’s see the unhealthy ways to lose weight, which needs to be avoided . You’ve probably heard of some of the more bizarre and dangerous methods such as painful tongue implants that keep you from eating...
A Goal without a Plan is just a Wish
Most people who are unable to lose body fat aren’t failing because they are unmotivated. They aren’t getting results because they have no plan. They treat exercise as something to do when it’s convenient. The only solution is to set up a training schedule with...
Are you confused about what is the right way to workout in gym?
Here are 10 tips to improve your workout routine from start to finish . Are you making the mistake of going through the motions when they hit the gym? Do you just train to train, never getting stronger, faster, or leaner? Try a new approach: Train to win! Use these...
What you don’t know about bicep curls
There are many exercises that people don’t want to do (squats), don’t like to do (good mornings), or can’t do (snatches). There is also one type of exercise that just about everyone wants to do, likes to do, and can do: Biceps Curls. It’s the dessert of the...
Tips to reduce inflammation/bloating
Reduce inflammation in the body and be healthier and leaner—guaranteed! Inflammation is connected to obesity, fat gain, accelerated aging, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, asthma, arthritis, cancer, and stomach problems. Inflammation can shorten your life and cause...
Seven mistakes women make when trying to loose weight
Women have made a huge impact on the hardcore training world. We’re busting the myths, disproving the lies, and taking the lead in helping other women look and feel amazing. Yet, mistakes still get made, often because we don’t have all the information we need in order...
10 training and diet mistakes
Have you been working out and eating healthy in an effort to get a better body? Are you not getting the results you would expect? Do you wrack your brain trying to figure out what the problem is? Chances are that without even knowing it you’re falling prey to one of...
10 expert tips for fat loss
Most people will agree that losing fat quickly is the way to go. Getting rapid progress gives you an amazing mental boost. After all, needing to wait months to get results is a major killjoy that can lead anyone to throw in the towel. Therefore, this article will give...
10 Important tips for strength training from master trainer
1. The most important factor in strength training is intensity of load. This is strength training, after all. So the goal is to (safely) move as much weight as possible. 2. Shoot for rest intervals between 3-5 minutes between sets. This will allow for adequate...
Tips for women to loose belly fat
Women are sort of lucky when it comes to belly fat—we don’t gain it as easily as men. Instead, we’re more likely to gain fat in the hip and thigh area, which is thought to have a protective effect on health. But the bad news is that when we do gain fat in the belly...
In the realm of fitness, three-month programs dominate the landscape. You’ve even seen plenty of them in this magazine over the years. Are they effective? Absolutely. But we’re going to let you in on an interesting secret: It doesn’t necessary take eight or 12 weeks...
Fix Your Foundation, work on your feet, toe to fix your back
Think you have tight hammies? Think again. See, the issue might not be with your hamstrings, your glutes, or your back. It could be your feet. Your foot health is the biggest missing link when it comes to strength, mobility and ease. Let me share a quick story: I was...