Have you been working out regularly but aren’t seeing any changes in your body? Troubleshooting training can be hard to do on your own. That’s where this article comes in—it identifies some of the most common (but completely fixable) reasons that women have trouble changing their bodies.
Use this advice to solve training errors for efficient, visible results.
#1: Lifting Too Light
One of the most common reasons women don’t see results in the gym is that they focus only on getting toned, which leads to the side effect of lifting weights that are too light. Getting toned simply means that you want to lose excess body fat and increase the size of muscle cells to provide shape.
This process requires two things:
You need to overload the muscles in order to stimulate the cells to grow larger.
Workouts need to be metabolically taxing so that you raise metabolic rate in the recovery period and elevate fat burning hormones.
#2: Your Calorie Intake Is Off
There are two common scenarios when women (or men for that matter) don’t get the results they’d expect in the gym.
First, many women make the mistake of cutting calories below the 1,200 a day. They starve themselves in a desperate attempt to make the fat come off. The problem with this approach is that when calories go this low, your body will sense the threat of lack of energy and downregulate your metabolism in order to preserve fuel stores.
You’ll burn fewer calories daily, while having to fight off hunger with willpower, which will elevate the stress hormone cortisol. Plus, you’ll lose lean muscle mass, which means you can say goodbye to beautiful curves AND you will radically lower your resting metabolic rate (the number of calories you burn every day at rest).
On the other hand, consuming too many calories can be a problem when you aren’t mindful of portions or end up rewarding yourself with food. The fact is, humans are not very good at estimating how much we eat. Studies show we tend to underestimate calorie intake by at least 500 a day—an amount that can easily eliminate an energy deficit and completely halt fat loss.
A related problem is “compensation” or when people think, “Yeay! I burned extra calories today from working out. A little extra cake, bread, sweet potato, chocolate, wine, or whatever won’t hurt.”
But research shows it does: People almost always eradicate the calorie deficit they created from working out and may even overshoot calories so that they actually gain fat!
#3: You Quit When The Going Gets Tough
We’ve all seen the people who take a very casual approach to the gym:
They never break a sweat.
They use the gym as prime Facebook and Instagram time.
They grab a weight, do three reps, re-rack it and hit the locker room or go hide on the cardio machines.
If you want to change your body, you’ve got to get comfortable with the fact that there will be some painful moments. Your muscles are going to burn. You’re going to suck a little wind. You may even briefly wonder if you’re going to die. Just know that those hard moments are the ones that make all the difference.
When the going gets tough, just remember that the sweat and tears have a purpose: Pushing through them will make you better everyday—and give you that bangin’ body that has all your less-than-motivated friends eating their hearts out.
#4: Too Much Or The Wrong Kind Of Cardio
A common misconception is that aerobic-style cardio is the best way to lose fat. Using this kind of group classes for fat loss can easily backfire for a few reasons.
First, the goal tends to be focused solely on fun and we know that when people are motivated to exercise in order to burn calories, they usually aren’t successful because they end up compensating by eating more calories afterwards.
Second, the body adapts quickly to aerobic-style cardio by getting more efficient so that it burns the fewest calories for the least amount of work. This means that as your body adapts, you have to continuously increase your training time, while getting diminishing returns.
Finally, aerobic exercises or group exercises classes interferes with weight training adaptations because it triggers different pathways in the body. Simply, you won’t get the increase in muscle for better definition and shape that you’d expect.
Instead of spending hours on aerobic-style cardio, try short and sweet sprint or weight training HAIT , This type of training uses the same energy system pathway as weight training, so it’s perfect for fat loss. For example, one study found that when women did 20 minutes of cycle sprints 3 days a week, they lost 2.5 kg of body fat and increased lean muscle by 0.6 kg, whereas a group that did 40 minutes of aerobic exercise or group classes for their workouts lost zero body fat.
Naturally, if you are training for an endurance event or you like aerobic-style cardio and your primary reason for exercise is enjoyment, have at it. But if your reason for getting sweaty is that you want to improve your body, try a quick, but intense interval workouts
Final Words: Fitness shouldn’t be complicated but it should be unique to your own interests and goals. Put in the effort to learn the basics. Figure out what works for your unique genes. This will make fitness and health a fun part of your life rather than a struggle.
Writer :
M. Chandra shekher reddy , Master trainer – Fitlink Australia

M.Chandrashekher Reddy (Shekher)
Director and Master Trainer – Fitlink Australia
Gym Instructor from 1992-95 Gym and Group class Instructor (Aerobics, step, cardio kickboxing, boot camp,h90x, Crossfit etc ) 1995 to till date, Personal Trainer since year 2000.