The dangerous ways to avoid and best ways to lose weight

The dangerous ways to avoid and best ways to lose weight

There are many ways to loose weight healthy and unhealthy , first let’s see the unhealthy ways to lose weight, which needs to be avoided . You’ve probably heard of some of the more bizarre and dangerous methods such as painful tongue implants that keep you from eating...
A Goal without a Plan is just a Wish

A Goal without a Plan is just a Wish

Most people who are unable to lose body fat aren’t failing because they are unmotivated. They aren’t getting results because they have no plan. They treat exercise as something to do when it’s convenient. The only solution is to set up a training schedule with...
What you don’t know about bicep curls

What you don’t know about bicep curls

There are many exercises that people don’t want to do (squats), don’t like to do (good mornings), or can’t do (snatches). There is also one type of exercise that just about everyone wants to do, likes to do, and can do: Biceps Curls. It’s the dessert of the...
Seven mistakes women make when trying to loose weight

Seven mistakes women make when trying to loose weight

Women have made a huge impact on the hardcore training world. We’re busting the myths, disproving the lies, and taking the lead in helping other women look and feel amazing. Yet, mistakes still get made, often because we don’t have all the information we need in order...
10 training and diet mistakes

10 training and diet mistakes

Have you been working out and eating healthy in an effort to get a better body? Are you not getting the results you would expect? Do you wrack your brain trying to figure out what the problem is? Chances are that without even knowing it you’re falling prey to one of...